WhatIf Group were commissioned by Capita, who provide services to North Tyneside Council, to provide support to the town centre components of a strategy for the central Wallsend. This strategy was the basis for bidding for funding for implementation.

After the initial commission we advised that the town centre should be looked at holistically and we therefore expanded our horizons to also look at: housing; culture; heritage and environment.

Wallsend is a challenged town centre in its design and perception and the wider community has some challenges of deprivation and poverty. There is a large resident population within close walking distance.

Our contribution to the strategy sort to re-engage the town centre with: the community and adjoining housing areas; and, the roman fort at Segedunum and the river. We also looked at the opportunities to:  improve the experience of visiting the town centre; diversifying its offer; improving nearby housing areas; and, creating green spaces and improving the public realm.

The strategy was submitted to the Council, and we understand that they were subsequently awarded major resources from the North of Tyne Mayor.

We have subsequently continued to have a good working relationship with Capita on taking forward components of the strategy.

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