What is Ethical Investing and is it Perfect?

Ethical investing is investing in projects that sit in line with your values and principles both socially, morally or religiously. The only person who can determine if an investment is ethical is the person investing. One way for a professional investor to do this is to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) into their investment […]
Public Private Partnerships

Is it possible for Capital Investors to invest in Local Authorities?

The Municipal Bonds Agency is working on a plan that allows local authorities to issue ESG bonds. They are working on a framework which will allow capital market investors to lend to local government for projects that meet ESG criteria. This was recently reported at the Local Authority Treasurers Investment Forum (Latif) and may offer […]
What if Council’s became Commercial Entities?

Over the past few years, Local authorities have been hit hard with austerity and now Covid and will have to become more innovative in their thinking and approach. One way they can do this is to form partnerships with the private sector, creating their own commercial companies to build revenue and achieve sustainability. See full Localis report […]

These are tumultuous times for the UK’s High Streets. The response that is needed is exceptional and at a scale that is more than any challenge faced by most towns in living memory. Only the challenges of housing market renewal in some urban areas 20 years ago bears comparison to the challenges faced by nearly […]
The dirty secret of capitalism and a new way forward

The dirty secret of capitalism – and a new way forward. Rising inequality and growing political instability are the direct result of decades of bad economic theory, says entrepreneur Nick Hanauer. In a visionary talk, he dismantles the mantra that “greed is good” — an idea he describes as not only morally corrosive, but also […]
Why shopping centre owners should pursue a strategy of developing partnerships with the public sector and vice-versa

Why shopping centre owners should pursue a strategy of developing partnerships with the public sector and vice-versa. Post Covid the vast majority of UK shopping centres will be distressed assets for both owners and the towns in which they begin to decay. Many owners ( or banks ) have dead capital tied up in shopping […]
CounterCommunity – Unlocking shared value.

Every week I do a quick update that explains what’s happened work wise, this past week or so. This last week feels like we’ve become more confident in who we are. A bit like that stage when you’re a kid growing up, you develop a sense of identity that fits with your sense of self, […]