How can we as a company effect change, or for that matter how does any public or private enterprise effect change? Well, first they each must decide what their WHY? is. Why are they wanting to effect change, what is it that they are trying to achieve, is this about themselves and profits or is this about something much more?
The WhatIf Group wants this to be about much more. They want to define a legacy that will pulsate through their company and the partnerships they develop and work with to build reliant infrastructures, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and fostering innovation. They want to build sustainable cities and communities – encouraging sustainable economic growth which includes full and productive employment and decent work for all. This ethos will ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all ages, fostering Inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all. This is their WHY, their belief and who they are?
What is their HOW? The WhatIf Group recognise that to effect change means living their values, taking steps towards those values in a measured and proven way which has been incorporated into their Public, Private Partnership strategy.
They have chosen 5 Sustainable Development Goals which are built into their strategy.
3 Good Health & Wellbeing
4 Quality Education
8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
This strategy sits in line with a recent report prepared for Power to Change by LSE Consulting, specifically looking at the High Street, the challenges it faces, the role of private sector developers and local community businesses involvement.
As part of the research done to create this report LSE Consulting interviewed various business leaders, developers, councils, and community businesses to determine how they could work together, to benefit the High Street. Kevin Parkes, Director of the WhatIf Group, was an interviewee who stated, “We need to promote shopping centres as places that really become the hub of their local communities and subsequently encourage public, third and fourth sector organisations to take space in them.”
This is the ethos of the WhatIf Group – to build sustainable communities, places to live, work, rest and play. Places where not just buildings exist but where people matter.
Image Courtesy of : United Nations – 17 Sustainable Development Goals